The Change We Long For Starts Within

Gazing into the night sky often causes me to think of the orbital nature of time and that life is always moving forward. It is within this framework that we each take part in the perpetual achievement of our hopes, dreams and goals.


Naima Spencer

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

I heard this quote from Wayne Dyer as I was beginning to realize that to improve my life and create what I wanted, I had to stop trying to control my environment, and in order for the things outside of me to change, I first had to change.

Born and raised in Morocco, living in the States and earning an MBA was my lifelong dream. I had so many expectations of what I could achieve and how amazing my life was going to be in America. In reality, it was much harder than I thought when I landed in JFK in 1998.

I ended up settling in Philadelphia, PA and began working minimum wage jobs—retail, waiting tables, and babysitting. I continued this for eight years because I convinced myself that it was the best I could do and was all I could qualify for. It wasn’t long before I felt stuck and hopeless, unable to see how my life could possibly change for the better. Anxiety and fear were a part of my daily life, and although I was desperate for a change, I had no idea how to go about it. I had lost all confidence in myself and my abilities. I soon realized I needed to look for something or someone outside of myself to help me change my life.

In 2003, a friend told me about a book on the Law of Attraction, which was the first time I had heard of that concept, but luckily I was open to it, so I got the book, read it, and then read more books on similar topics. During this time, something started to shift inside of me. I began to realize how powerful our minds are, that we create our reality, attract situations and experiences to us, and are responsible for everything that happens in our lives. Most importantly, I learned I could achieve whatever I set my mind to! Of course that was easier said than done, but I was determined. I had the knowledge, now I had to execute. My journey of self-help, self-love, and self-discovery had begun.

I started working on building my thought awareness—monitoring my self-talk and what I was feeding my mind on a daily basis. This helped create a shift in my mindset that led me to make decisions that were terrifying to me. I decided to go back to school and earn that MBA that was once a dream. I started to truly believe in myself and my abilities to do more and be more. I began a career in the pharmaceutical industry and then, in 2009, I moved to the DC area to work for one of the biggest organizations in the country, making six figures and traveling the world.

The moment I made a conscious decision to change my situation was the turning point for me and it redirected the entire course of my life. My journey in the self-help and personal development continued to grow and I expanded my knowledge. I became very passionate about the mind-body connection and how our beliefs and thoughts shape our destiny. This passion to achieve meaning and true fulfillment led me to become a certified mindset and Strategic Intervention life coach, specializing in personal development.

My firm belief that we all have a purpose in this life and that we’re here to co-create and experience all its wonders, drives me to help others manage the stress and anxiety of daily life by training them to remove obstacles and mental barriers and replace their limiting beliefs with an unshakable mindset, so they can design and live the life of their dreams.

“Naima’s life story is a fantastic example of how a small change in mindset can bring huge changes in your life”


Manage the stress and anxiety of your everyday by replacing your limiting beliefs with an unshakable mindset so you can achieve a stress-free, work/life balance and improve your corporate performance—resulting in greater impact and fulfillment in every area of your life